Thursday, January 15, 2009


What is an inverter?
Technically, Inverter is a device, circuit or system that delivers AC power when energized from a source of DC power. In another words it can be stated that inverters change DC Power into AC power.

Practically, Inverter is a system, widely used in domestic domains, which provides back up power for the time when mains is not present. It takes DC from battery and converts it into AC & provides it to the household circuit, when mains is not present. But when mains is present it does the reverse, i.e. it takes power from mains AC, converts it into DC and charges the connected battery.

Today, everybody is familiar with the name inverter but as different categories of inverters are available in market, people get confused while choosing inverters. The categorization is made according to their feature, O/P waveform & Technology keeping in mind the proper operation of different types of loads.

Initially, there was quasi sine wave / square wave o/p inverter but these were not best suitable for inductive loads like fan, tube lights etc. But today advanced PWM technology inverter are in market, which produces pure sinusoidal waveform output, similar to domestic power supply, and suitable for all types of loads.

What is a UPS?
UPS Stands for uninterruptible power supply system. Since sensitive equipments & gadgets like computers require consistent supply of power of correct specification for their operation therefore they need an UPS. There are different types of UPSs.
1) Off line UPS
2) On line UPS
3) Line interactive UPS

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